Park View HS - Sterling

400 W. Laurel Ave., Sterling, Va. 20164
NOTE: “As the crow flies” the school is directly behind, and east of, the ball fields at Claude Moore Park. Matter of fact, it appears you can see the school building from the ball fields at Claude Moore Park (hence the name?). However, there is NO direct access to the school from Claude Moore Park, and vice-versa.

From Centreville/Fairfax:

Approximate distance: 16 miles
Travel time: approximately 25 minutes

Alternate Route (near Claude Moore Park):

Using GPS?

Latitude: 39.0102004
Longitude: -77.401476

Other Resources

Directions on the PVHS website

PVHS website home page


Try this map from MSN

Directions on the PVHS website

Here's the info on MapQuest